Provision, Ethos and Values
The Park School is a mixed Special School for students aged 11 to 16 with EHCPs for Moderate Learning Difficulties, drawing students from a wide range of socio-economic groups and from a wide radius. We offer a mainstream secondary school curriculum model, with students following a timetable and moving rooms from lesson to lesson. Our focus is very much on long term life outcomes, aiming to equip our students with the skills and knowledge they will need to achieve their potential and the social and emotional foundations needed to navigate adulthood. The staff team are committed to providing a vibrant, supportive, and purposeful atmosphere within a safe environment in which all our students thrive. We offer an ambitious curriculum which is personalised through its implementation to meet individual student needs, enabling students to fulfil their potential.
To provide a safe and supportive learning environment where an ambitious curriculum enables our students to become literate, numerate and resilient young people fulfilling their potential into adulthood.
Demonstrate kindness and respect in the way we speak and act.
Enable all of our students to have the best opportunities as adults.
We believe:
Learning should be challenging, inspiring and fun and that even as adults there is always something new to learn together.
Every day at the school is different and every part of the day presents an opportunity to acquire knowledge and develop and apply new skills, both academically and socially.
Everyone demonstrates kindness and respect in the way they speak and act.
We should strive for excellence in all we do.
To provide the highest quality teaching, learning and welfare for all our students and staff that is safe, supportive, creative and ambitious.
All students have daily access to;
· High quality teaching with specialist teachers in inclusive classrooms
· A rich and aspirational curriculum to support their long-term life outcomes
· A dedicated teaching assistant attached to their group
· A form tutor to oversee their pastoral care
· A designated play area for their key stage for social times
· A school diary with personalised targets
· A locker to keep their belongings in during the school day
· A range of extra-curricular activities and trips
Based on students’ EHCP requirements and internal assessment, they may also receive specific, targeted intervention in the form of
· Occupational therapy
· Physiotherapy
· Speech and language therapy
· An Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
· Literacy support
· Numeracy support
· Music for well-being
· Mentoring
· 1:1 Teaching Assistant
· Medical plans or assistance
· College placements
· Skills projects from outside agencies