
Currently students are placed at The Park School after a process of consultation and assessment with the Local Authority. Parents are a major part of this process and their views are actively sought. All students have an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP). Applications for places in year 7 go through a selection process, normally in November for placement the following September, judged against criteria for admission that can include one of our staff observing the student in his/her present school. Prior to this, most prospective parents visit the school when their child is in Year 5.

Ultimately the agreement of a place in a specialist secondary school is Surrey’s not the school's. Once this has been agreed we then determine if we can meet individual need from visits to the primary school, reading of appropriate paperwork such as EHCP, SALT, OT and medical reports, discussions with teachers and the SEN Co-ordinator at the student's present school, meeting with parents/carers and them visiting The Park.

Individual admissions are made throughout the year if the school has appropriate places. Once a place has been offered and accepted students may visit with their parents. In the summer term, before September entry, there is an induction day programme to ensure that students feel confident about starting in September. In addition, students’ Junior Schools are involved in the transition process and all new students receive a welcome pack to help the transition to The Park. Very occasionally the school accepts a student on an assessment placement.

Applying for a place in a Surrey CC Special School. Click the link for further information about SEND applications.

The annual deadline for parents to express their preferences to Surrey CC for SEND placements including The Park School is the end of September for admission the following September.