Curriculum Offer

Whole School Curriculum Intent

Trust Curriculum Intent 

●      Ensure inclusivity and equality of provision. 
●      Provide an inspiring educational experience for every student. 
●      Teach and develop the character strengths and skills which allow students to be independent, to succeed in life and make a positive contribution to society. 
●      Provide enrichment opportunities that are inspirational, aspirational and of a national standard. 
●      Ensure students achieve mastery with a deep, rich knowledge and skill base. 
●      Provide opportunities for building the cultural capital required for academic and personal fulfilment and success. 
●      Promote correct use and high standards of literacy, articulacy and numeracy.  

School Curriculum Intent 

To provide a safe and supportive learning environment where a creative, personalised curriculum enables students to fulfil their potential into adulthood by: 

●      Delivering a curriculum is of comparable breadth and ambition to the national curriculum but is reflective of the needs of the students  
●      Giving students the essential skills and knowledge for employment and independent living 
●      Enabling students manage their friendships, emotional life, and mental wellbeing 
●      Ensuring the best possible progress in English and Maths 
●      Ensure a smooth transition to post 16
●      Fostering a love of learning 

Curriculum Intent and Approaches

  • Reading, writing, spelling, speaking and listening are essential life skills that we teach explicitly in English lessons and implicitly across all other subjects in school.

    When students join us in Y7, our primary aim is to develop students’ confidence in their ability to read and write. We help them to develop a love of reading by studying a range of fiction and non fiction texts. These are interesting and suitably challenging texts to motivate the students to want to learn more and make connections with the world around them. They complete a range of writing based on the texts and learn to respond to feedback and edit their work to make it even better!

    Students in Y7 are assessed in all areas of English and a programme of individual learning and a flight path is created for each student for their time at the Park. Students are continually assessed both formally and informally throughout each year and their learning adjusted accordingly. If necessary interventions are put in place to help individual students to make better progress.

    All students learn to de-code for reading and en-code for spelling and use these skills to help them to read and write for pleasure and purpose. All students have individual spellings to learn at home as well as a reading book at an appropriate level to bring home, to help develop all aspects of reading.

    All students read in a small group at least three times a week within their tutor group and then are taught in ability groups four times a week for English. The curriculum is carefully scaffolded to meet individual needs. We use multisensory approaches with repetition and over-learning to enable the students to remember and apply their learning.

    In addition to this, in KS4 students work towards the most appropriate accreditation for them, developing functional reading and writing skills to prepare them for their next stage of education and beyond.

  • At The Park we offer access to a range of graded examinations enabling all students to follow a certificated AQA Entry Level course. Students working beyond this level are able to sit Edexcel Level 1 and 2 exams in Number and Measure and Edexcel Foundation GCSE.

    In KS3, students’ learning progresses through the National Curriculum (NC) subject content at appropriate levels for them. Four lessons a week cover Number, Measurement, Geometry, Statistics, Time and Money. The syllabus continues into KS4 with consolidation of subject content and an emphasis on the teaching of Life Skills, particularly time, money management, travel skills and measurement. We aim to equip all our students with the basic numeracy required to live as independent an adult life as possible. Groups of students are taken shopping to purchase best value goods, use self-service and staffed checkouts and develop the skills of paying and receiving change. Students are supported in planning trips out, using for example bus and train timetables and cinema listings. To ensure our students feel confident in an ever-changing world, we also include work on the use of credit and debit cards, online payment and payment via phone apps.

    Maths content is always delivered through age-appropriate texts and resources. Individualised learning is provided through practical activities. Through adaptation, scaffolded approaches and specific maths language teaching, students are able to reach their potential in Maths regardless of their literacy levels.

  • Science at The Park allows students to connect and understand the ideas, uses and implications of Science today and in the future. We aim for students to leave with clear explanations of the world we live in.

    We bring a mixture of practical work and theory into all aspects of the curriculum which includes the tradition of scientific enquiry, according to the principles of scientific method.

    We stress the relevance of science beyond the classroom and, in this sense, teach Science as a fundamental building block for life beyond school. We seek to develop a lifelong love of learning and to empower students to think independently.

    Science is a vibrant, ever-changing, relevant subject that affects every walk of life and this is reflected in how we teach and what we offer all our students. In KS3 we offer topics in line with the National Curriculum to ensure breadth of experience. In KS4 our focus is on gaining qualifications and enquiry-based learning through Entry Level Science and BTEC Level 1 Applied Science.

    By offering a broad curriculum and different assessment and accreditation pathways, every student will leave with the skill set and qualifications they need to transition into their post 16 provision.

  • The Drama curriculum aims to develop students’ confidence, self-esteem and social skills. Drama lessons focus on the development of key Drama skills, such as improvisation and mime, and students are given opportunities to contribute ideas to small-group and whole-class performances. There is a strong focus on facilitating students’ communication of different emotions through the development of their awareness of body-language, tone of voice and facial expressions and their recognition of those emotions in others. Students learn to explore imagined situations and to develop empathy skills by exploring the world through the eyes of different characters.

    There are opportunities for students to reinforce their literacy skills through reading and developing play-scripts and by adding expression to lines they have read or learned. Stimuli such as poetry, film extracts and play-scripts are used as a springboard for students to develop their own improvised scenes. They are provided with opportunities to perform and get involved in different productions throughout their school career, most notably our annual Harvest and Christmas productions

    In Key Stage 4, the Drama curriculum centres on the Bronze Arts Award, which involves students watching and reviewing performances, evaluating their own work, researching their favourite actors and teaching Drama skills to younger students, as well as performing in front of others. Most importantly, throughout their school career, students are encouraged to foster a love of Drama and of using their imagination and creativity in learning.

  • Students at The Park receive two hours of PE lesson time a week, in line with the National Curriculum. The PE programme is designed to meet the needs of all our students and engage them in regular physical activity in a positive, fun and enjoyable way. The curriculum that we offer across all key stages is fully inclusive and varied and we aim to promote a lifelong interest in sport and exercise for our students during and beyond their time at school.

    Through their PE lessons, all of our students are encouraged to develop their confidence in a variety of sporting areas. They are also required to make decisions, solve problems and demonstrate determination and resilience, while working at their own pace and level.

    In KS3, students experience a wide spectrum of sporting activities. This allows them to learn and develop skills and teaches them how to work both independently and with others and in competitive and non-competitive situations. Students follow a fitness unit that allows them to understand the impact that physical activity has on their own health and why it is so important for their physical, mental and social well-being.

    The curriculum in KS4 is a continuation of skill acquisition and development, with the emphasis on knowing how to access sport and leisure opportunities for the future. We aim to allow students to experience activities which they otherwise may not have the chance to do elsewhere. We are fortunate to have a positive collaboration with Winston Churchill School in Woking where our students can make use of their excellent PE facilities and on-site fitness suite during PE lesson time. KS4 students continue to learn how fitness testing can help improve health, fitness and well-being and they have the opportunity to take on leadership roles where appropriate.

    As a special school with organised end of day transport, most inter and intra activities have to take place within school hours. We organise and take part in regular school fixtures and events where we can and we aim for all of our students to have the opportunity to take part in these during their time at The Park. We relish and take up opportunities to work with outside agencies such as British Orienteering, Woking Tennis Club and Surrey County Cricket and we have links to local inclusive clubs and sport providers where we can signpost students to join a sports club outside of school.

  • At The Park students are from families who hold a range of beliefs from the many faiths represented throughout the world. Such rich diversity serves as a background for our students to develop their own beliefs and values.

    In KS3 Religion and World Views enables students to explore the world’s major religions and belief systems. Teaching in KS4 builds on this and focuses on social and moral issues with students completing an ASDAN course in beliefs and values. Religion and World Views at The Park helps to develop students’ sense of identity and belonging and provides them with a respect and open-mindedness towards others of different faiths and beliefs preparing them for life in a culturally diverse modern world.

  • Students participate in a broad range of art, design and craft experiences aiming to develop a joy of creating and making art.

    Whilst there is due regard for the development of skills our emphasis is on providing a means of self- expression and a sense of achievement. This may be through a portfolio of work unique to their interests, life experiences and responses to art explored in either the curriculum or a GCSE in Art and Design.

    The relaxed environment in Art allows students to develop their language and use their communication skills to discuss art and the world around them. Visits to both local and national galleries as well as recreational art clubs in school demonstrate to our students how, looking at, and making art can be an enriching life experience when they leave school.

  • All students in KS3 and some Y10 students receive a weekly Communication and Social Skills lesson. The programme of study has been planned with a Speech and Language Therapist and members of the Speech and Language therapy team work directly with some students in lessons. Students receive targeted and specific teaching of key language skills and social skills to enable them to communicate, manage their feelings and choose appropriate behaviour and social strategies.

    In KS3 the focus is on supporting transition to secondary school, learning and social aspects of school life. Y7 work in their tutor groups, Y8 upwards are grouped by their speech, language and communication need. In KS4 the emphasis is developing these skills to gain confidence in key skills and to support preparation for post-16 and adulthood.

    Communication and social skills lessons support student levels of confidence, interaction and independence enabling them to participate more fully in lessons, all aspects of school life and life beyond school. They support literacy development, speaking and listening, phonological awareness, social skills, vocabulary development and comprehension.

  • KS3 students participate in a weekly lesson that is linked to a themed unit of work. Curriculum resources are used to deliver practical, authentic and relevant music lessons that engage all pupils in learning music. Students learn to play chords on tuned percussion, keyboards and sing popular songs. We listen to and appraise music from the BBC Ten Pieces which opens up the world of classical compositions. Performance opportunities are seasonal e.g. during the Harvest assembly and Christmas play. Students have access to Garage Band on the iPad to experiment with simple compositions. We use music as a medium to increase confidence, boost self-esteem, creativity and a sense of achievement. Fostering a love of music enhances student’s well-being and can equip them with a life- long leisure activity.

  • Students experience a wide range of IT programmes to improve their computer skills and develop their use of technology. They are be able to develop a greater awareness of the impact of computers on their lives and create an interest and enjoyment of technology in the wider world. Students complete OCR accreditation in KS4.

    Students are taught all aspects of E-safety to help control their on-line experiences and keep themselves safe. We want our students to become responsible, competent and confident users of information and communication technology enabling them to adapt to rapid technological changes in society. Students gain the experience and basic understanding of coding and digital media. They also have the opportunity to use a variety of software programs that they use across the whole school curriculum.

  • Food Technology at the Park is studied by every year group and weekly lessons combine creative and practical activities with the principles of nutrition, hygiene and healthy eating. We consider being able to cook as an important life skill and our students are taught how to prepare snacks and meals for themselves and others.

    In KS3 the emphasis is on acquiring basic skills and understanding how to eat healthily. In KS4 we run both BTEC and ASDAN courses and all students work towards accreditation. They are encouraged to use the skills they have learnt as independently as possible to produce healthy, nutritionally balanced dishes. The design element of the subject is met through the opportunity to plan meals, adapt recipes, and select ingredients to suit personal tastes.

  • At The Park, we understand that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural element of our students’ education is crucial to their development as an individual, allowing them to take their rightful place in their community as a local, national and global citizen. SMSC is about the values students are encouraged to hold, their attitude towards learning, knowledge and society. SMSC is fundamental in preparing students for life after school. It is embedded in the culture of the school, modelled by staff and students throughout the day, taught overtly in PSHE, Social Studies, Religion and World Views but all other subjects, together with collective worship, daily reflection time and school assemblies contribute to the students SMSC welfare. It is recognised and celebrated alongside academic achievement.

  • At The Park, PSHCE and Social Studies helps to provide students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society now and in the future. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in managing their finances effectively. Students also learn to develop healthy and safe lifestyles, how to have good relationships with others and to respect for diversity It enables them to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they may encounter. Lessons involve active learning through discussion, investigations, role play, group work and problem solving. Throughout the year there are specific workshops, visiting speakers and regular PSHE themed days.

  • At The Park we teach cultural studies to inspire in students a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them throughout their lives.

    Cultural studies incorporates elements of geography and languages, enabling our students to experience the key aspects of both subjects at an accessible level. It is taught in a practical way making it interesting and relevant, including food tasting, music performance, and off site visits. Increasing student’s knowledge of other cultures teaches a respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in our multi-cultural society.

  • At The Park, we believe that having an interest in history is pivotal for students' understanding of the country they live in and the world around them. Our students investigate areas of Britain's past from Medieval England to Britain's role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade in order to give a balanced and accurate picture of how we have become the diverse, multicultural society we are today. They learn about the achievements of famous people from a range of backgrounds from Ibn Battuta to Mary Seacole and more. Our aim is for students to leave The Park equipped to pursue their interest in investigating history further and with an awareness of how people from a range of cultures have contributed to our world.

    Students are taught in a way that motivates, engages and challenges them at a level suitable for their personal academic and social development. There is an emphasis on working with others in lessons and engaging with IT and physical artifacts as much as possible. Students are also given the opportunity to take their learning outside the classroom and visit important historical sites around the local area.

  • In years 7 and 8 the careers curriculum is delivered as units in PSHCE lessons. Lessons include personal identity, team building, personal strengths and Identifying the Working World and an introduction to careers. Students are introduced to, an online platform will complement the careers curriculum and will track their progress throughout their time at The Park School. This platform will be used to support the careers curriculum in greater depth in Y9 and KS4. The Y7 and Y8 modules are used as a stepping-stone for a designated Careers lesson in Y9 where the language, terminology and concepts are personalised, explored in greater depth and placed in context for the present employment market. This work will enable students to have an experience of different areas of employment and begin to make informed choices about jobs they might like to do in preparation for the transition to KS4.

    In KS4 the starting point is a student’s likely post 16 destination. This determines the curriculum path they will follow and the career areas they will explore. Pathways are explored and developed, and students also develop their skills for employability. This is taught specifically within the Preparation for Adulthood and Social Studies curriculum. Preparation for Adulthood offers a differentiated programme of BTEC and ASDAN accreditation. Students in Y10 have a taster day in college and in Y11 have a college option if their likely post 16 destination is college. Students that will move onto a Post 16 placement at another setting will have at least 2-3 transition days with the support of a TA (more if both education facilities feel it is needed) All KS4 students will have an opportunity to have an interview with a career's advisor. Y11 Students will be offered an appropriate opportunity for onsite or offsite work experience.

How we teach Reading and Maths 


Learning to Read … Reading to Learn

Reading is a fundamental life skill and an integral part of our school day in almost every aspect of our curriculum. All of our staff read with the students and are trained to teach reading including specific training in the alphabetic code and phonics.  Our approach to teaching reading is to foster a love of reading, in all its forms at whatever level the students can access it.  We start from where they are, and take them on a journey to success, supporting them to feel confident readers for lifelong learning.  Our aim is for all students to achieve success and from the start, see reading as something that they can do.

Every morning, students take part in a group reading session within a small group, matched to their ability.  The aim is to encourage them to read aloud a range of different texts, with an adult as a role model, talk about what they have read, show understanding, make inferences and practice intonation and expression.  This helps to develop enjoyment in reading. Children are exposed to high quality texts which are age appropriate, whilst at the same time, suitable for their reading age.  This helps to keep the students engaged and motivated for reading, developing self-confidence as readers.

As well as this, students have four English lessons each week.  Each lesson has a reading aspect to it with one lesson having a very specific focus on reading and phonics, which is then revisited briefly in every other English lesson.  We encourage students to see the English language as a code that we need to work out to be able to read accurately and fluently.  At TPS, we follow the national curriculum framework for teaching phonics (letters and sounds), using a systematic approach within the Read Write Inc programme.  We supplement this with our own games and resources to ensure we maintain excitement and enthusiasm for learning.  Students are assessed regularly and an individual focus for each student ensures that they make the maximum progress with the ability to decode unfamiliar words eventually leading to automaticity in reading.  “Tricky words” (those that are not decodable) are taught as whole words and students are encouraged to look for patterns and shapes, using multisensory approaches to help them memorise them.  For our more able students, a higher level of phonics is taught, e.g., working with morphemes and syllables and being able to manipulate these to help them read more complex words.  For those students that are ready, they will progress, in KS4 to taking Functional Skills English exams where students complete reading tasks related to practical, functional reading.

Alongside this, students listen to a wide range of texts, commenting on various aspects of it, creating excitement about books and introducing them to new language.  This also helps to develop inference skills, specifically teaching our students to think “beyond the literal” and “outside the box”.  This extends their thinking skills and expands their understanding of the wider world.

Our partnership with families at home is essential to support our students with their reading.  We work together to encourage all students to read at home as much as possible.  All reading is valuable whether it be a recipe, magazine, internet search, game instructions etc.  Students will bring home a range of books from our colour coding and number system, which will have a specific focus e.g., to help them decode words, comprehension, inference, expression or for family to read to them to develop enjoyment, understanding and expose them to a rich vocabulary. 

Teaching reading in this way enables all of our students to be successful as readers.  We teach them to read, so that they can read to learn and feel confident in all aspects of reading in their everyday lives, now and in the future.


Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.  A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. (National Curriculum in England: mathematics programmes of study – September 2021)

At The Park School we offer an ambitious, broad and balanced Maths programme, reflecting the aims of the National Curriculum in England (September 2021). Opportunities are provided for practical and written activities, questioning and working through problems both collaboratively and individually. The varied and individual needs exhibited by our students are met through high levels of adaptive teaching ensuring that learning materials, teaching styles and expected learning outcomes focus on the needs of every student. Maths teaching throughout the school is centred on the key areas listed in the National Curriculum in England (September 2021) and is informed by the engagement model (July2021).

The four strands of the National Curriculum are: Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics. For the purposes of our teaching and to ensure comprehensive coverage of the programmes of study, we have further subdivided these into 8 modules to meet the needs of our students. These match the 8 modules of the AQA Entry Level specification and for students studying at levels above Entry Level 3, fully cover the Level 1 Award and Foundation GCSE content. Learning outcomes in each of these modules will support students in their progression towards their optimum levels of achievement.  The 8 modules of Maths that we use are: Properties of Number, Four Operations, Ratio/Fractions, Money, The Calendar and Time, Measures, Geometry, Statistics.

All students have 4 Maths lessons per week. Two of the four lessons each week are dedicated to Number (Properties of Number/Four Operations) and the remaining 6 modules are taught over the course of the year – one module per half term. Each module is taught at Bronze, Silver, Gold (below recognised accreditation), Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2, Entry Level 3, Level 1 (Number & Measures) and Foundation GCSE (Grades 1-5).

All students are base lined within the first few weeks of starting at The Park, and attainment in each module is assessed annually, before and after teaching. Maths ages are assessed on entry, during each school year and on exit in Year 11. Students follow the Scheme of Learning for each module at their individual learning level.

In Year 7 students are taught in class-based groups until baseline assessments have been completed. They are then split into ability groups and continue to be taught in 2 ability groups throughout their time at The Park. Students are formally and informally assessed throughout each academic year and targeted intervention is put in place for all those not on track to reach their target grades. At the end of year 11 students will sit AQA Entry Level, Edexcel Level 1 and Edexcel Foundation GCSE exams as appropriate.

Assessment and Tracking


To determine an appropriately aspirational flightpath for each TPS student, we look at each individual child at transition and assess their needs holistically.  


There is no agreed method to predict what a child with an EHCP can or should achieve. Unlike mainstream schools, there are no national datasets to generate reliable data, and internal data sets are too small. With the changing landscape of SEND, diverse range of needs within our school and ramifications of the pandemic, we cannot use one source of data to determine a student’s flightpath.


A range of quantitative and qualitative data is collected on each student and discussed by experienced SEND specialist leaders to make an informed picture of need that is used to create their progress flightpath. The flightpath tracker maps what good progress looks like for each individual student and reviewed at regular intervals.

Teaching and Learning

Flow Learning

The WMAT teaching and learning team has developed a model of teaching and learning to have maximum impact on student progress and attainment.  The model is based on our experience and research evidence. The key components are simplistic, but the detail is necessarily more complex. This is because we need to raise the expectation in terms of thinking hard about the links between different elements of great teaching, instead of breaking it down into a tick list of what to observe in a lesson.

Please contact the school office if you would like to find out more about our curriculum offer and the relevant member of staff will get in touch with you.

Accreditation in KS4:

  • GCSE Maths

  • Certificate of Achievement Entry Level Maths

  • Functional Skills Maths

  • Functional Skills English

  • Functional Skills ICT

  • Certificate of Achievement Entry Level Science

  • GCSE Art

  • Bronze Arts Award

  • GCSE English

  • BTec Science

  • BTec Home Cooking Skills

  • Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award