Communication & Interaction

The Communication and Interaction skills of our students are a key element of their development. These skill are taught in the school in a number of ways. The curriculum is delivered through language-focused and language-enriched teaching, students have discreet communication and social skills lessons and we have two Speech and Language Therapists (SaLT) and a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant (SaLTA) who work in the school. The SaLT team ensure that the Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) of the students are met and that all staff are highly informed in their work with the students.

Speech and Language Therapists work closely with the staff to support the SLCN of all students throughout the school. Over the years, the speech and language therapy team have helped the school to embed a ‘language enriched’ curriculum in all lessons which encourages the development of language skills; the learning of new concepts and key vocabulary and a greater understanding of neon-verbal expressions and inference.

The SaLT team have direct involvement in Communication and Social Skills lessons and also work closely with tutors and teachers in all subject areas supporting our students to become confident, functional communicators. They work to support the communication and interaction skills of all students with specific requirements outlined in their EHCP and these students may receive additional small group or one-to one therapeutic support as appropriate.

The therapy team assess the expressive and receptive language skills of students as well as their phonological, pragmatic and social skills. They advise the staff of the needs of these students and help devise strategies for supporting them in the classroom. The Therapy Team communicate and liaise with parents regularly through phone calls, correspondence, meetings and attendance at Parents’ evenings and in Annual Review meetings. They are always available to provide support and advice.